Hillsboro Final Video

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Reality Check

Part of our plan for involving the Hillsboro community in our project is because it will be a good follow-up to another ongoing effort of our SADD chapter this year.

Reality Check is a series of lessons for students in elementary grades 4-6 that uses high school SADD students as teachers and role models. The lessons talk about issues like self-esteem, bullying, alcohol and other drugs, the media, eating disorders, internet safety, peer pressure, and having adventure without risk (including safe driving). Most of our teams have just completed giving the series of lessons (7 in all).

The Reality Check lessons also included take-home sheets for parents.

This means that our community event will give us a chance to reinforce the lessons by showing that there really ARE high school students making good choices and doing everything they can to save lives and keep kids safe.

Part of In-School Component

Our "Keep Your Summer Drive Alive" project is designed to reach a wide variety of people, all the way from junior high grades through adult.

Part of the in-school component of the project will involve Traffic Safety Team members presenting a video and lesson called "tk cr b4 2 l8" (Take Care Before It's Too Late). The video contains statistics and real-life testimonials about seat belt use and distracted driving, as well as input from law enforcement personnel and a group of students. The lesson includes more statistics and discussion based upon the testimonials in the video.

This lesson will be presented to students who will be taking Driver's Ed and getting their permits this summer.

Ad in Newspaper for the Community Component of the Event

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Visit to Courthouse

Upcoming Events in Hillsboro!

Hey guys! Today some of our team members visited the Traill County Courthouse. We spoke to the Hillsboro Assistant Chief of Police about our plans for our upcoming event on May 5. It is confirmed that we will have the SIDNE impaired driving simulator on hand during our community event.
For those of you that don't know, our project will be both an in school and community activity. We will have a program for the community after our steak and chicken supper which will ensure us a pretty good turnout. We are pretty excited about our upcoming activities and we will post more later!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hello from Hillsboro

Hey, everybody -

This is me, our team leader, saying hi and trying out our first video upload. Much more to follow soon!

Finally spring!

Whoa.... it's been an interesting few weeks around here!

39 of us Hillsboro students attended our awesome Northern Lights SADD annual conference March 22-24. The theme was "SADD - An Army of One." Lots of camouflage, tons of great speakers and info, and a great time was had by all. And then the rains hit, followed by snowstorms, flooding, schools closed so students could go sandbagging, and yeah... you get the point. You probably heard about flooding in North Dakota on the national news. Even our normally docile Goose River that runs next to Hillsboro set a new record flood stage. Some schools in the area were closed for about two weeks.

But that was then, this is now. The snow is gone, smiles are back on faces, and our traffic safety project preparations go forth.

May 5th is going to be an awesome day. We had to re-schedule our special day from May 1 because a lot of students qualified for the state music contest and will be gone that day. Our project is going to involve a LOT of high school students, and we will be getting the whole community involved.

Plans are falling into place nicely!