Hillsboro Final Video

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Long, But Successful Day, Part Two!

Hi again!

When we were planning our project, we really wanted to include the whole community as much as possible, so the project also included an evening community event.

Every spring our chapter does a steak and chicken cookout fundraiser that people have come to expect every year, so we decided to coincide our supper (from 5 to 7 pm) with an evening program that began at 7:00.

We also had a couple of fun things going on that people could participate in. The Safe Communities Coalition of the Red River Valley provided us with a set of Fatal Vision drunk goggles that people could wear while playing Mario Kart on a Nintendo Wii. Also, our regional prevention coordinator helped us by providing a SIDNE (Simulated Impaired DriviNg Experience) cart and obstacle course. A lot of people, including parents and their kids, took part in that.

We had good attendance by a wide variety of community members and parents at the program. We explained our project to them, showed them the "tk cr b4 2 l8" video and our new SADD presentation video. We wanted to show them the SADD video so that they could see and hear from young people who are doing everything they can to make good decisions and help their friends.

The evening ended with a program called BreakDown. It's a high-tech presentation that includes drama, dance, testimonials and motivational speeches that deal with sexual activity. A lot of Hillsboro students are involved as dancers or actors, and putting on a show for the home crowd was a great way to end the day.

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